Source Code Meditation – Stages of Development 4
How do we integrate the polarity between the masculine and feminine at Source Code Meditation? What happens when you neutralize the dynamic energy that exists between the poles of agency and communion? Here Dr. Michael Cotton attempts to answer these questions as well...
Stages of Development 3
What role does gender play in stages of human development? What approaches do feminine and masculine types take to their stages of development? In this lecture, we discover that the research shows there are tendencies which can result in pathologies that are expressed...
Stages of Development 2
Students of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory will recognize Dr. Michael Cotton's evolutionary analysis of human and cultural development as well as his critique of post-modernity or the so-called "mean green meme." As the culture wars continue to rage and complexity...
Stages of Development 1
In January, we celebrate the life & legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., a shining example of the best and brightest values of post-modernity through his work in the civil rights movement. Never have these values been so eloquently expressed in the movement of the...
Science & Spirituality, Part 2
Does quantum physics prove the existence of God? How does language become a barrier to mutual understanding when discussing science and spirituality? What is emerging from the population of people who identify as "spiritual but not religious"? In the second part of...
Science & Spirituality, Part 1
Are science and spirituality fundamentally incompatible? What are the key differences between science and spirituality and where do they intersect? In the first part of this lecture, Michael answers those questions and teaches how we can apply the scientific method to...
Government & Religion
The modern world is clear on the separation of church and state. And yet, these two institutions of collective values and beliefs mirror one another in many ways. When viewed through the lens of developmental psychology, we see clearly governments and religions...
The Future Faces Of Spirit {The Integral Stage}
The JFK University Professor, Bruce Alderman, recently invited Dr. Michael Cotton to do a presentation for the prestigious "Integral Stage" examining the role of religion and spirituality in the 21st century. From the video description: What paths lie ahead for...
Saving the World by Evolving Ourselves
At the beginning of the 21st century the sociologist Paul H. Ray and psychologist Sherry Ruth Anderson, identified a group of people that they coined ‘cultural creatives’. Today these cultural creatives are over 80 million strong in the USA and many times that number...
Evolutionary Psychology 2 – How Pathologies Arise in the Spiral of Development
What should be the number one goal of every nation on the planet? In this lesson, Dr. Michael Cotton answers that question by teaching how pathologies arise in the spiral development of the individual and the resulting culture wars in the collective. Michael then...
Don’t Just Wake Up. Grow Up.
Dr. Michael Cotton quotes Adi Da and eviscerates postmodern pathologies. Students at New Human University learn that your enlightenment is only as high and as wide as the perspective you are able to take. To learn more, check out The New Human University:...
Waking Up vs. Growing Up
What distinguishes the most emergent inner technologies of the 21st century from the highest enlightenment states of the wisdom traditions? Why have some of the most highly realized spiritual leaders of the modern West flamed out in radical fashion? How did Jesus'...
Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment
How do we source intelligence, values and meaning at the highest levels of human development? What is the link between you as a cosmic process and you as a personal being? What happens when consciousness - being - bliss wakes up to and becomes fully integrated into...
Life Codes
Seeing the whole gestalt is essential as you begin to plan the actions of your personal evolution in the 4 dimensions of your being - mind, body, relationships and environment. As we enter the 8th Summit of Source Code Meditation, we ask ourselves - what are the...
Trans-Mutating the Shadow into Higher-Brain Fuel
"Our wounds become our gifts." In Summit 7 of Source Code Meditation we begin to explore the deep, dark recesses of our shadow in service to liberating more energy to the higher brain thus further fueling our own evolution. https://youtu.be/2OmUFOQHd48...
Looking Down – Reclaiming the Spiral of Development
Integral Metatheory highlights the absolute necessity of coming into wholeness with every stage of development lest we arrest our own growth. This process is elegantly summarized in the expression 'transcend and include.' In the 6th Summit of Source Code Meditation,...
Looking Up – Planning Your Emergence and Ascension
Growing up in space & time, the Authentic Self sees clearly the path to self-actualization. Moving from surviving into thriving. This is where purpose is unleashed. Dr. Michael Cotton describes the 5th Summit of Source Code Meditation where we begin to plan and...
Your Authentic Self & Your Soul’s Purpose
Once you have awakened to the Self which never enters the stream of time, you now ask: What is my soul's purpose? In this description of Summit 4 in Source Code Meditation, Dr. Michael Cotton reveals the vehicle of your soul in space and time - the Authentic Self....
What is Unitary Awakening?
Enlightenment is just the beginning... In the Unitary Awakening of Source Code Meditation, the practitioner begins to approach nondual states. As Dr. Michael Cotton describes in this video, experiencing the subject of yourself that is radically free is meaningless...
What is Transcendent Awakening?
What is classical enlightenment? Who were you before The Big Bang? An experience of timeless, eternal soul is just the beginning... In this teaching, Dr. Michael Cotton describes Summit 2 of the Source Code Meditation program - Transcendent Awakening - and what it's...
What is Soul Awakening?
What happens when your soul awakens? What does it feel like to experience subject release from your body/mind? How does your perspective change once you are free from the grip of day to day stress? In this teaching, Dr. Michael Cotton describes Summit 1 of the Source...
Where the Left Has Gone Wrong—A Metamodern Critique of Postmodernity
Dr. Michael Cotton gives a scathing critique of where the left has gone wrong from a metamodern perspective at the inaugural New Human University onsite training event.
VIDEO: Ken Wilber, Jordan Peterson & Epoch 6
Dr. Michael Cotton illuminates the essential building blocks of a healthy spiral of development—transcend & include. He touches on how the imminent meta-philosopher, Ken Wilber, experienced this dynamic firsthand in his physiology, as well as how this same dynamic...
VIDEO: Evolutionary Psychology – How Cultures Grow Up
This week we're featuring a new kind of journal entry! In the below lesson, during the inaugural New Human University onsite training event, Dr. Michael Cotton teaches the developmental milestones that cultures and individuals grow through over history and in a...
A New Spirituality At The Leading Edge Of Evolution
Unitary Evolutionary Enlightenment Modern cosmology and physics trace the world's origin back 13.8 billion years. The scientific story goes something like this: First there was nothing and then from nothing came an explosion. A Big Bang and a soup of matter and energy...
Sacred ‘WE’ Space, Social Networks, Quantum Connections
When we are in a relationship we have a resonance in consciousness with that person or those people we are in relationship with. We somehow miraculously can enter into each other’s consciousness and create mutual understanding. This mutual understanding, or inner...
Conscious Evolution Enables the Evolution of Consciousness
Darwinian biological evolution is a messy and inexact process, it requires inordinate amounts of trial and error, fits and starts, erasing its mistakes and starting over. Evolution tries many paths at once in the bloody and brutal march towards its once secret agenda....
Apocalypse or Opportunity?
Are We Running Out Of Time? Problems always provide us with opportunities to evolve. My inclination is to take a positive outlook on our future; after all, things have generally gotten better over the span of the five Epochs. I think we should be optimistic; however,...
Lower Brain Triggers and Feedback
Research has shown that the modern human experience is largely dominated by primitive lower brain mechanisms. Lower brain dominance has a complex of associated lower level representations in the four primary dimensions of one's life. These four dimensions are Mind,...
Angel Lobes In Your Brain? It’s Science.
The Angel Lobes In the 1990s MacLean had fully developed his theory on the triune brain and expounded on it in his book, The Triune Brain in Evolution. However, MacLean soon came to realize that there was a ‘4th evolutionary system’ led by evolution’s latest layer, a...
The Science of the Energy of Transformation and its Pathways
Microfilaments, Microtubules, and Energy Transfer In my previous two journal entries we learned what the Taoist masters of China and the Yogis of India had to say about this energy of transformation. We have also looked at the possibility that an evolution of this...
Beyond Yoga or New Yoga?
Is Yoga missing the energy of transformation that once defined it? "...all truth and practice too strictly formulated becomes old and loses much, if not all, of its virtue; it must be constantly renovated by fresh streams of the spirit revivifying the dead or dying...
Beyond Taoism
Taoism originated in China some 2,000 years ago. Its originator remains unknown although Zhang Daoling became the founder of the first organized Taoist school of thought. Taoism was one of the most followed religions in China until the communist revolution banned it a...
Your Stone Age Brain Is Eating You Alive
If it is not enough to know that a completely new way of being in the world awaits you in your Higher Brain, consider that you are currently being eaten alive by your old lower brain! The year was 50,000 B.C.; a Paleolithic woman, alone with her children, steps out of...
Vertical Transformations of Your Brain, Consciousness, Culture
While on my all-intensive journey into the furthest reaches of human potential I discovered a treasure trove of writings and research regarding the development of human consciousness (different from the enlightenment ‘states’ described in previous journal entry). I...