Beyond Yoga or New Yoga?

Beyond Yoga or New Yoga?

Is Yoga missing the energy of transformation that once defined it? “…all truth and practice too strictly formulated becomes old and loses much, if not all, of its virtue; it must be constantly renovated by fresh streams of the spirit revivifying the dead...
Beyond Taoism

Beyond Taoism

Taoism originated in China some 2,000 years ago. Its originator remains unknown although Zhang Daoling became the founder of the first organized Taoist school of thought. Taoism was one of the most followed religions in China until the communist revolution banned it a...
Your Stone Age Brain Is Eating You Alive

Your Stone Age Brain Is Eating You Alive

If it is not enough to know that a completely new way of being in the world awaits you in your Higher Brain, consider that you are currently being eaten alive by your old lower brain! The year was 50,000 B.C.; a Paleolithic woman, alone with her children, steps out of...
Revolutionizing Meditation

Revolutionizing Meditation

“As far as an EEG goes, a recording is considered valid for a year, meaning it shouldn’t change much. But what I’ve found is that the EEG changes significantly within 20 minutes of the first Higher Brain Living® session.” — ALISON OOMS M.S., Director of Source Code...