


Join Dr. Michael Cotton at our Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat:
Chacala, Mexico  //  January 21–27, 2023



January 21st – 27th, 2023
Single Payment



Included with your stay: Lodging, 3 organic meals per day, hands-on sessions, and more!
2 Payments Of:



Included with your stay: Lodging, 3 organic meals per day, hands-on sessions, and more!


“…I do not want to leave this place, mainly our group who I’ve come to really enjoy and have form a special bond with, something I’ve hardly experienced in my life.  My heart is so much more open and filled with love and appreciation. There’s now clarity in my life vision, my soul purpose and I really feel the innate drive to really go after what I really want in life this time.  Michael’s way seems to really work in a fast and profound way, and I’ve tried many other ways…”

Aram Mesina
Retired Military

“…Michael takes the experience each of us had as seriously as he takes his life’s work in expanding consciousness. I could tell how committed he is to this work and to our personal growth by how professionally Michael and his organization managed the details of our experience… This man cares deeply, and you don’t have to spend much time with him or his team to have that experience for yourself. This was truly a unique experience.”

Ken Pavett

“This is now my yearly soul retreat.  I am a new human in evolution.  I have the tools necessary to be the best I can be. Every aspect of my life is different, and I now experience FREEDOM!”

Dr. Saili Ruiz

“…I had a complete shift into BLISS!!!   The lectures are dynamic and the material is absolutely fascinating. It bring soo much hope for our world. I am so excited for the transformation that has already begun in me.  I know that  whenI continue to do my SCM practice, transformation will happen… not only to me, but to those close to me.”

Nancy Doherty
Massage Therapist

“This retreat is something that is hard to rationalize. It’s impossible to describe but some thing you feel deeply in your heart, in your body and your emotions. All of these things help you to reach your person, financial and business goals. Thank You!”

Mariana Godinez
CEO Education Company

“I am taking home the healing of deep samskaras in the lower brain. I now have a powerful mantra to empower my vision and actions upon my return. Learning the neuroscience of awakening is the true “prison break” and I’m not dreading my return to life and the endless inbox. Seeing my life as my dharma of divine service and opportunity. Feeling my life can impact Global Consciousness. I feel understood and supported.”

Lisa Bertke
Founder/Owner Prana Yoga

“To get different results in life requires change. And being a seeker of growth and transformation I experienced this retreat as a combination of accelerated brain changes and consciousness changes, facilitated by a healing environment. Better still it’s like a healing paradise, where my heart was nurtured to new heights. (Plus the temperature difference in winter was 90 degrees!)”

Mark R. Excelsior


Experience 7 days of unique, awe-inspiring transformation. Discover your brain’s secrets, unleash your potential, and experience true liberation.


The E&E Retreat is nestled in Playa Chacala, Mexico. Imagine a lush, tropical paradise and pristine beach—where the jungle meets the glistening sea.


Discover and perfect the technique that will change your brain forever. You will release stress and fear, and find ecstatic joy, clarity and confidence.


Receive gentle-touch, hands-on facilitated sessions by Dr. Michael Cotton and his elite team of retreat leaders. Supercharge your ability to self-energize your Higher Brain.


Take transformation to the next level. Once your brain is upgraded you will learn our unique meditation. Discover your purpose and traverse the path to enlightenment.


Feel the field effect and resonance of the retreat group as you learn to activate your Higher Brain, access your Higher Heart and attain higher consciousness—together.


The Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat: Designed to usher you into a new way of being.
Ground your Authentic Self in the formless dimension of pure consciousness and discover who you are at your very core—without judgment and labels. Discover the true essence of your being, and live every day from that frame of reference.

You will awaken to a realization of awareness beyond the world of space, time and form. As you mentally let go of things that are temporary, you will directly experience that eternal part of you that wasn’t born in time and therefore will never die. When you know this aspect of yourself, you know peace.

You will return home with a new perspective, a new community of like-minded friends, and a new purpose to your life. You’ll have more peace, calm, focus and exponentially more joy!

What would it feel like to be completely and radically free? Is it even possible?
There has never been a time quite like the one you are living in now. Science continues to prove that there is more to your mind, body and soul than previously imagined. The reality is…there is a new reality and we are on the forefront of that journey. The definition of freedom may vary from person to person, but we might all agree that living “free” means you are living up to the highest measure of your potential, AND that you are experiencing life with an abundance of peace, joy and ease.

What would life look like if that were true? It CAN happen and we’d like to show you how. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?

What would it feel like to be completely and radically free? Is it even possible?
There has never been a time quite like the one you are living in now. Science continues to prove that there is more to your mind, body and soul than previously imagined. The reality is…there is a new reality and we are on the forefront of that journey. The definition of freedom may vary from person to person, but we might all agree that living “free” means you are living up to the highest measure of your potential, AND that you are experiencing life with an abundance of peace, joy and ease.

What would life look like if that were true? It CAN happen and we’d like to show you how. Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?


Dr. Michael Cotton: Creator of Source Code Meditation and the E&E Retreat
Dr. Cotton’s life’s work has focused on the creation of organic human technologies that liberate subtle energy in the body and awaken the brain. He is an Integral Metatheorist and uses the integral framework to support all of his creations. Dr. Cotton is a leading theorist in the evolution of consciousness, culture, and the brain, and has nearly three decades of experience in personal and cultural transformation.

Dr. Cotton personally hosts and facilitates this annual retreat and is joined by his elite team of Retreat Facilitators. This transformative and profound experience is unlike any other on the planet. It is packed with meaning and purpose and an engaged, passionate community.

The Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat will deliver the tools, techniques and the Higher Brain energy required to change your life. You will connect deeply to your spiritual Self, the greatness of the Universe and ultimately to God in ways you may never have imagined possible. When you deeply understand you are more than you think you are, your life can no longer remain the same.

This event has been carefully planned to facilitate your discovery of the timeless, eternal dimension of yourself—the formless dimension of pure consciousness. This part of you is where you finally know peace. It’s the unchanging, indestructible essence of who you really are. It’s “YOU” but without “your story”—completely and radically free.

“It is not the experience that counts. It’s what you do with the experience. It’s what comes next. How do you stand in that experience and how do you take what you have in the world…what’s next is the only thing that matters. The deed becomes the doer.”
— Dr. Michael Cotton, on Retreat —



Surround yourself with lush, green tropics and beautiful, unique wildlife—a setting dedicated to your evolution.


Fuel your body with Mar de Jade’s nourishing, organically-grown cuisine. All 3 meals are included in your registration!


Swim in the sparkling pools, splash in the warm ocean waters, and soak up the warm, plentiful sunshine.
MAR DE JADE: Wellness
Resort & Retreat Center
MAR DE JADE: Wellness
Resort & Retreat Center

Mar de Jade sits on the shores of Playa Chacala, a small Mexican fishing village with plenty of charm that still retains a traditional way of life. A tropical setting that lifts the spirits and fuels the soul, Chacala is one of the great undiscovered treasures of Mexico. Imagine a lush paradise, nourishing organically-grown cuisine, luxurious accommodations and a pristine beach with year-round warm ocean waters to watch memorable sunsets.

Mar de Jade sits on the shores of Playa Chacala, a small Mexican fishing village with plenty of charm that still retains a traditional way of life. A tropical setting that lifts the spirits and fuels the soul, Chacala is one of the great undiscovered treasures of Mexico. Imagine a lush paradise, nourishing organically-grown cuisine, luxurious accommodations and a pristine beach with year-round warm ocean waters to watch memorable sunsets.

That’s precisely where you’ll find yourself for the Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat, held at the extraordinary Mar de Jade eco-resort, where the jungle meets the sea. Through sessions and unique meditation on retreat with Dr. Michael Cotton and his team of elite retreat leaders, you will connect to the deeper trans-personal dimension of yourself and take home the connection to pure love within your heart.


The E&E Retreat Is Part Of The “Brain First” Revolution. Here’s Why:
The breakthrough aspect of this retreat is the energizing of your “Higher Brain” (pre-frontal cortex) BEFORE meditative, contemplative and inquiry techniques are being introduced. Each day your brain will be energized to tune into the frequency necessary to have deep, spiritual experiences. You’ll shift from a mind state of constant thoughts of survival, into a mind that recognizes how to thrive.
The pre-frontal cortex (the area of your brain being energized at this retreat) has been referred to by esteemed brain researcher, Paul McClean, as the “angel lobes”.  Not only because of the advanced thinking associated with this part of the brain, but also because of the qualities of joy, purpose, compassion and gratitude being associated with this Higher Brain experience.

The ability to energize the “angel lobes” prior to, and during, the introduction of other spiritual techniques leads to rapid and sustainable spiritual experiences. You will learn how to easily access and energize this part of the brain. You’ll begin to operate from this higher spiritual experience baseline, which creates higher and more enlightened results. Your brain is just waiting to be “turned on and turned up.”

What Would Happen In Your Life If…
  • You knew the difference between your survival, base self and the self-absolute; the great undying and unborn Self from where you can access and implement your best decisions, thoughts and dreams?
  • You could activate the part of the brain responsible for your highest state changes, so you can operate from this place of consciousness and achieve high-level results?
  • You were a witness to your higher states of being so you make decisions with confidence and clarity?
  • You could connect deeper with yourself and live life with personal conviction?
  • A new state of existence emerged within, giving you the strength and courage to express your new state change?

The Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat is designed to take you out of sameness and usher you into a new way of being. Your fear-based lower brain will lose its grip on you, and your newly awakened and energized Higher Brain will become your “new normal”.

Experience a new way to thrive in the world!



During The Enlightenment & Evolution Retreat


Enjoy 3 Meals Per Day During Retreat


Receive Hands-On Sessions From Our Elite Team


Learn About The 9 Summits Of Transformation


Enlightened Group Dialogue With Other Attendees


The Most Up-To-Date Teachings By Dr. Cotton


That Results In Sacred, Life-Long Connections


Technique & Program You Can Use In Your New Life
What’s not included:


  • All transportation costs to and from the retreat are your responsibility (i.e. airfare, transportation to/from airport to retreat location), as well as lodging before/after the retreat.



January 21st – 27th, 2023
Single Payment



Included with your stay: Lodging, 3 organic meals per day, hands-on sessions, and more!
2 Payments Of:



Included with your stay: Lodging, 3 organic meals per day, hands-on sessions, and more!