The Future Faces Of Spirit {The Integral Stage}

The Future Faces Of Spirit {The Integral Stage}

The JFK University Professor, Bruce Alderman, recently invited Dr. Michael Cotton to do a presentation for the prestigious “Integral Stage” examining the role of religion and spirituality in the 21st century. From the video description: What paths lie...
Saving the World by Evolving Ourselves

Saving the World by Evolving Ourselves

At the beginning of the 21st century the sociologist Paul H. Ray and psychologist Sherry Ruth Anderson, identified a group of people that they coined ‘cultural creatives’. Today these cultural creatives are over 80 million strong in the USA and many times that number...
Don’t Just Wake Up. Grow Up.

Don’t Just Wake Up. Grow Up.

Dr. Michael Cotton quotes Adi Da and eviscerates postmodern pathologies. Students at New Human University learn that your enlightenment is only as high and as wide as the perspective you are able to take. To learn more, check out The New Human University:...
Waking Up vs. Growing Up

Waking Up vs. Growing Up

What distinguishes the most emergent inner technologies of the 21st century from the highest enlightenment states of the wisdom traditions? Why have some of the most highly realized spiritual leaders of the modern West flamed out in radical fashion? How did...