Revolutionizing Meditation

Revolutionizing Meditation

“As far as an EEG goes, a recording is considered valid for a year, meaning it shouldn’t change much. But what I’ve found is that the EEG changes significantly within 20 minutes of the first Higher Brain Living® session.” — ALISON OOMS M.S., Director of Source Code...
Do You Really Believe Transformation Is Possible?

Do You Really Believe Transformation Is Possible?

A recent study titled Yoga in America, released by the Yoga Journal in 2016, demonstrated that 36 million people currently practice yoga and that number is projected to rise. The telling parameter in the study was “the top five motivations for practicing...
11 Signs That You Are Moving Into Early EPOCH 6

11 Signs That You Are Moving Into Early EPOCH 6

1. Intuition And Insight, ‘Trans-Rational’ New Modes Of Knowing In Epoch 6 In Epochs 4 and 5, rational thought became our primary mental modality. Extremely useful for our survival, it got us to this point in history but it doesn’t appear that it alone will take us...
The Next Stage of Human Evolution

The Next Stage of Human Evolution

EPOCH 6 – THE RISE OF THE NEW HUMAN The first sign of light from the new dawn is now appearing on the horizon as the early waves of cultural creativeness are cutting a path into the unknown territory of Epoch 6. A variety of developmental researchers are starting to...